High School Open House Recap
Last night we had nearly 30 families visit our High School campus for our November Open House. Families signed in and listened to a brief presentation on the Engaging, Nurturing, and Transforming nature of our high school. Our guests then toured the school with EC administrators, teachers, students, and current parents. It was wonderful to see the excitement of prospective…
Being Freed of Sin Through Christ
When I think of the power of God, one of the first things that comes to my mind is the scene in Bruce Almighty when Bruce (Jim Carrey) is first given his divine capabilities. He quickly begins experimenting with his newly discovered powers by shooting off a fire hydrant and splitting traffic while turning all…
High School Preview Day Recap
[caption id="attachment_3240657" align="alignnone" width="600"] 8th grade students that came to check out ECHS. We hope to see them all back in the building in September![/caption] At Eastern Christian High School we recently welcomed nearly 70 eighth grade students to our school as part of our annual High School Preview Day. We were very excited to…
Check out the EC Athletics Blog!
In an effort to share more of what goes on at EC with the community, we've started using the EC Athletics Blog in a new way. We will be posting weekly stories of each team, with highlights from the previous week and what's coming up the following week. Don't feel like checking the blog for new stories…
High School Weight Room Update
In August the high school weight room was moved into a new space! The work was completed in September and Athletic Director, Barry Veenstra, is excited to finally debut the weight room in this short video. In case you missed the original video at the end of the summer, take a look!
At Eastern Christian High School students have a period called SOAR (Student Opted Academic Resources) in their daily schedules. On Wednesday during this time, all students and faculty join together for chapel, but on the other 4 days each week students are able to sign up for classes and activities that are not offered in…
See You At the Pole Community Prayer
"The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning. It's time to sing your praise again..." These lyrics were sung to kick off Eastern Christian High School's annual See You At the Pole community prayer. See You At the Pole takes place at thousands of schools around the world. Eastern Christian High School and Middle School are proud…
Baby Bank Singers Bring Sunshine
Eastern Christian High School's "Micah Challenge" is a student group that strives to present opportunities for students to live out the challenge of Micah 6:8-- "To act justly and seek mercy." The group sponsors, among other things, such activities as sending Christmas cards to Christian prison inmates, sponsoring food drives, and helping to fund the Baby Bank.…
ECHS Back to School Night Recap
Would you like to be a high school student, again? ECHS parents had the opportunity to think about this question at Back to School Night. Parents were given a "course schedule," navigated the hallways, found classrooms and enjoyed being students for one night. Eastern Christian is committed to partnering with parents, and this event was a…